Today It Snowed

From the prompt: “Today It Snowed…”

Today it snowed for the first time since we laughed
Under Alpine treetops by that Silver Lake
There were snowflakes in my hair, but I felt them
On the upper wings of my heart

All day and night I witnessed the magic – blades of grass undone
Snow up and down the street
My back porch a new world – the hill, the house
It might have been that Alpine morning, under another sun

Today it snowed and it was beautiful
As the snow fell, so soft, so soft, my worried thoughts fell too
My work, my schedule, how much bad news hurts me
To leave them there under the snow – it was wonderful

I am hopeful for the first time since thinking
About having to be virtual so much of the time
I feel I am really here, in this morning
The cold shock of touch sinking in

The intense feeling of weather
I realized how foolish I was, not to see it before
Not to chance loving you by that Silver Lake
I appreciate that now, that moment together

I am wondering whether you might be interested
In coming with me, to walk back in time
To that middle of nowhere feeling
Laughing through a network of snowflakes, unexpected

Little curious wings touch down again and again
Walk the territories of your bookkeeper’s hands
I will not leave them cold this time
It’s not too far to go, then?

With thanks to:
Alex Scott ᐧ Amelia Rice ᐧ Amy Hodkin ᐧ Anonymous ᐧ Antique Animal Jewelry ᐧ Bella Doyle ᐧ Clementine Brown ᐧ David Hunter-Wade ᐧ Emily Sandstrom ᐧ Fi Forrest ᐧ Helen Sturt ᐧ Immy Reynolds ᐧ Jane Kibblewhite ᐧ Joel Russell ᐧ Jonathan Mann ᐧ Josh Kashdan ᐧ Julia Kashdan-Brown ᐧ Katie James ᐧ Leanne ᐧ Lesley McLean ᐧ Lucinda Roberts ᐧ Lucy Smith ᐧ Michael Francis ᐧ Niki Jewett ᐧ Owen Haywood ᐧ Raffaela Martuccio ᐧ S.R. Félicité ᐧ Sara Murray ᐧ Tess Luke ᐧ Zoë MacPherson ᐧ Zoë Wells ᐧ @0fkobyn

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